Friday, September 3, 2010

18 months and counting

My baby girl is now 18 months old... she is a chatterbox, a joy, a wonderful helper, and a handful!  We love our little Hannah Joy!

She loves to help us clear the dinner table by taking one item at a time and bringing it to mommy.  Her face lights up with each item as she knows what a great helper she is.  She wants to please us and do the right thing.

She also now is fascinated with buckles -- on the car seat, on the high chair, in the stroller.  She just loves buckles and is VERY proud of herself when she does it by herself.

At today's appointment she weighed 23 pounds and is 32 inches tall.... still our little peanut!

We pray that she will grow to love the Lord more and more and obey Him with her whole heart! 

We love you, Hannah Joy!

1 comment:

  1. you make babies with heads full of hair!! good work :) both of your girls have had such long hair for their age!
