Monday, February 13, 2012

Playing around in the toy room… what we each do best!

On a typical morning or afternoon in the Lightner house, we like to play around in the Toy Room when Josiah is up from his am nap (after school) or after they ALL get up from pm nap.  We are blessed to have a dedicated place to put the toys that our kids have… it is all in one space (at least it is supposed to be).  There are times that we have to push it all back into the room and reorganize it, but for the most part a Toy Room works great for all of us!  I have just purged a lot from it… AGAIN!  We didn’t need all of those toys we got from Happy Meals while on our trip to PA/VA or those crafts that they have made in church.  We also had a few broken things or things with missing pieces.  I was SO GLAD to get rid of them.  There is so much beauty in organization! 

Hannah loves pretending.  She sets up plastic animals to play in the farm or in the playhouse.  She also loves dressing up…right now she is into Cinderella because she just saw the movie and DOES NOT want to be the sisters from the movie!  She doesn’t like Josiah touching her animals when they are set up, and making her share them is a battle! She is super cute and has a great vocabulary.  Right now she has a cold so it is harder to understand her, but one thing is clear, when Josiah is bothering her, we ALL know about it!


Grace loves to read… that is no surprise to anyone by now.  She can pick any book off of the shelf and read it.  It is really amazing.  She would rather read than do just about anything.  She is very into pretend as well.  She likes to dress up and asks you to play with her by calling her a character’s name or repeating lines from the story as they happen.  “Mommy, you be_____ and I will be _____.”  is heard many, many times in this house in a given week!  She takes characters from her stories and acts them out as well!


And what does Josiah do while the girls are busy?  He likes to interrupt them or do what they are doing the most.  He is now getting into playing his own things, especially trying to figure things out – how things fit together, come apart, etc.   He likes to carry things with handles, push things with wheels, and put small toys in bigger containers.  He is a true little boy!  He loves balls and likes to kick them, throw them, hide them, and eat them!  He also likes puzzles and tries to find the place where they match.  He still enjoys going up and down the stairs and really zooms down them… so fast!




He is looking like such a little boy, isn’t he!?!


  1. they are getting so big! josiah looks like a little man!

  2. Great pictures of kids at play! Such an every day occurence makes such wonderful pics! Josiah has really changed and looks two years old! Grampa and nanna love you guys!
