Monday, July 2, 2012

Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day Videos

As a special addition to our Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day services, our childrens' ministries at church created videos to share using the kids from church. Grace and Hannah each had a part in them... SO CUTE!!  It was a little scary not knowing what they were going to say, but our friend Sherri filled me in on what Hannah says for the Fathers' Day video... all I can say is, OH BOY!!!



  1. Lucifer? Really Hannah? What are you teaching this child?! That made me laugh out loud-love the cute little one on the Mother's Day video who couldn't quite think of something...they are priceless!

    Dolly =)

  2. HILARIOUSS!!!! thanks for sharing :)

  3. HAHA, so funny. Have you been watching Cinderella???? Love the look on her face. Priceless!

  4. Only a mom with girls would get that....Cinderella? I was thinking Satan! haha
