Saturday, March 5, 2011

Weird Strawberries

Strawberries were on sale this week and they looked good (I do like the look of strawberries, but I just don't like to eat them, mom!).  I bought a package and when I dove down at the bottom, there was THIS monster strawberry... it has made me laugh ever since I saw it!  What is wrong with that thing?  Mutant?  Siamese twin? Whatever it is, the girls enjoyed eating him.... they didn't care what he looked like!  :)


  1. We had some huge strawberries a few weeks ago. They are fun to eat!!! Do your girls love them as much as my Grace??? She would eat the entire container if I let ler.

  2. now see...why would you go and assume that just because it is a big huge strawberry that it is a "he"?? :)
