Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Two Weeks

So... the last two weeks have been crazy.. BUT GREAT!  Wow...I have THREE amazing kids!  It certainly has been a juggling act, but the Lord has been my strength and I am learning.  I am learning what the kids need and when and how to balance.  It is amazing how many things you can do one-handed while nursing!  MULTI-TASKING!!  :)

Josiah had his two week appointment yesterday... he is now 9 pound and 5 ounces!  What a HUGE kid!  The doctors hope that a baby is at their birth weight by two weeks, but he has exceeded that by 13 ounces!  He is a great eater, pooper and sleeper (just like Danny!).

1 comment:

  1. Too bad he doesn't look like his daddy!!!! We have another exact replica of Dan! And he eats and sleeps like him too! If he grows up to know, love and serve the Lord like his Daddy - that will be wonderful too! Love you Josiah James - Nanna misses you!
