Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Long time; no write

Sorry, that it has been so long since I have posted something on this blog. I will have to post a few things tonight to get you up to date on what is happening with the Lightners.
"The world needs Christians who don't tolerate the complacency of their own lives."

The youth group has been going through the study of Francis Chan's Crazy Love. The quote above was taken from that book. OUCH! Danny read it a while ago and thought it was a MUST for the kids. They are doing the whole program with the video series as well. I just finished with it this morning in my devotional time! WOW! What a lot of thinking and changing there must be in my own heart! Basically he challenges us with the idea that God has a crazy love for us and we must reciprocate with that same kind of love. BUT most of us don't. We live in the luke- warm which is disgusting to Him. With all that He has done for us, we can't even live on fire for Him. Our God deserves our radical, obsessed, crazy love! I challenge you to read it as well. LIFE CHANGING STUFF HERE!!

"Christians are like manure: spread them out and they help everything grow, but keep them in one big pile and they stink horribly."

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