Yesterday was promotion Sunday at church. Grace and Hannah got to go to their new classes, which was a BIG DEAL for Hannah. She “graduated” from the security of the Nursery to across the hall in the Two Year Olds Class! She was so excited for this event and had been talking about it ALL WEEK! She rehearsed who was going to be there and where she had to go. She was looking forward to playing with NEW toys and going to Song Time with the Preschool Choir. The Choir is made up of 2-4 year olds. Grace is in the choir so Hannah was eager to see her sister there during church. They were so cute when they saw each other – like they had been separated for months (I was subbing in Hannah’s new classroom for the morning)!! I am so glad that Hannah didn’t cry or was clingy. She walked in with confidence and joy… gotta love her spunk!
Here they are in the front yard before we left for church:
your girls are so beautiful sarah! miss you guys!