Monday, June 27, 2011

Need to be creative

I have discovered something about myself over the passed few months… I HAVE A NEED TO BE CREATIVE!  I need something in my life to paint, sew, cut, glue, color, etc. on a regular basis!  Some people would think that picture taking and blogging would fill that need, but it really doesn’t for me.  Since I have discovered this, I have been working on a few projects.  My problem is that I would LOVE to spend a lot of time in the craft store looking, but I generally don’t have that time.  SO… I find something online that I would like to do and then I get the things for it and try it. 

This is my latest easy project… SO EASY and I really like it, especially since the wreath that was on our front door was getting really old! 

                   DSC_0848           DSC_0849

1 comment:

  1. ME TOO! I can't get enough. Too bad there wasn't more time to create stuff!
