Monday, June 10, 2013

Going in circles

Grace has always been a climber, a jumper, a swinger, a hanger…one who loves to be on the move.  Now don’t get me wrong… she also LOVES to read and would do that whenever she can, but there is something about a couch, an open space of rug, a tree or a playground that gets her going and she must tumble, climb, hang, swing, jump, and be going in circles!  That and her LOVE of the Olympics last summer encouraged us to sign her up for gymnastics this winter.  She started in February and was already in love with it before she set her foot in the door.  She KNEW that she would LOVE it and wanted to be the next Gabby Douglas… the Olympic gymnast who trains here in Des Moines! 

She did great in her first class and the teacher was amazed that Grace had never taken a class before!  She hadn’t – it was just all of those times in the living room, the playground and bouncy houses!  After only being in classes (once a week for a hour each week) for a few months they asked her to be on a team… what an honor!  WHAT A COST!!!  She would need a part time job just to pay for it… and the leotard and the travel and the meets… oh my!

SO… when we got her report card at the end of May, she passed her SPINEL class with flying colors and they encouraged her to step up to the TANZANITE class.  It meets on Thursday nights at 5:00 instead of the class that she was in at 6:00.  It worked for our family so she changed to that class last week!

I wanted to get her something special for this achievement, so I “sparklified” her leotard with her name… SHE LOVES IT!!!!  She loves sparkles – like her Nanna – so it was a great choice for her special reward! 

Check out these fun pictures I took right before class last week:







Olympics in 2016?  I don’t think so… but she loves it and it is a fun part of our homeschooling curriculum!  :)

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