Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Women in America

I believe women in America have it all wrong… they are doing the wrong things, thinking the wrong things, saying the wrong things!  They just don’t GET what it truly means to be a woman… more specifically a MOM!

You see, women in America THINK that they can have it all and do everything without sacrificing anything.  They think they can work, have a family, make lots of money, live in the best neighborhood with a FABULOUS house and the best school system, drive the best SUV or luxury minivan (HA), etc – with or without a husband!  They are delusional to think that they can have it all…SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE and that is USUALLY their FAMLIES!!  Why don’t we have a strong country?  We don’t have strong families… and I believe that moms should share in this blame!

I have been working through a Bible Study by Elizabeth George called A Mom After God’s Own Heart. She writes this:

“Being a mother is a commitment, a responsibility, and a calling from God… for a lifetime.  And being a mom is our highest joy and our greatest challenge.”

“Divided loyalties lead to diluted living.”

“Dear one, realize too that on every single one of your days, the world will be sending you signals that you are a nobody unless you are a focused, sold-out working woman. The world says that being a mom is old-fashioned.  That you need to take care of yourself. That you’re supposed to be Number One. That your kids will make it just fine without your constant care.  But the world is wrong!  You can rest in your heart and know with all of the confidence and strength in the world who you are and what it is you are to do.”

Being a mom is a HIGH CALLING… it is JOY… it is a COMMITMENT… it is a GREAT RESPONSIBILITY… it is a CHALLENGE!  I don’t think many moms really know what they are getting into when they become a mom.  Everything changes… or everything SHOULD change.  The old, easy life is gone.  The selfish life is gone.  There is now a small human being that needs YOU.  God designed THEM for YOU…. and YOU for THEM.  So… stop living like you don’t really want that child… like they are a nuisance, like the suck the life out of you, like you really didn’t want your life to change, like life was so much better without them. Stop finding excuses to drop them off at Daycare so you can have some mommy time… AND LOVE YOUR LITTLE BLESSINGS INSTEAD!!!

My kids are wonderful…and I desire to be with them.  And even though that is old-fashioned in today’s world, that is OK with me!  I know who I am and to WHOM I have to give an account some day.  So I will keep on loving these kids…I will keep on giving them my time… I will keep giving them my best hours and the best of me… I will keep on loving their daddy… I will keep on telling them about Jesus and His Word… I will keep on… I will keep on! And when I have “one of those days”  I will refuse to give up!  Instead, I will take those little ones in my arms, snuggle with them on the couch and Thank God for His abundant blessings! THEY ARE WORTH IT!



  1. Preach it girl! When you ask the Lord for babies and you have years of waiting - you realize the preciousness of what He has given you - and it is still the hardest job you will ever love!!! You are doing an amazing job of raising your children. Love you, mom

  2. go miss sarah! i am soaking in all of your advice & thoughts now incase you or i every move away by the time i become a mommy :) so blessed to have YOU!
