School is just so much fun around here with lots to do... more ideas than we could ever get into one day. My kids are at the perfect ages to really appreciate projects so I have been taking time in the morning to do some with all four children… it helps to keep Caleb busy since he doesn’t have a morning nap. Here are two activities that we have done recently.
With a true fascination for plants, seeds and growing things lately, we got out cups, dirt, grass seeds and markers. The kids and I decorated our cups like faces and then added dirt and seeds. We were hoping that the grass would grow to look like hair… AND IT DID!!
And then a week and a half later… Hannah is giving her first haircut! :)
And then another interesting activity we did… we made a Sweet Potato Pie when we were learning about George Washington Carver. I didn’t realize he was born in Missouri, went to college in Iowa, and then went to Alabama (what he is most known for). It was there that he discovered hundreds of uses for peanuts and sweet potatoes. We made this yumminess in honor of him! It was A HUGE hit in our house!
Ohhhh...I might steal the idea for the grass seed and cups-that is adorable and the boys would get a kick out of it! Thanks!