Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

One of the benefits of homeschooling is you can talk about God all day long and in every situation!  You can tell Bible stories, train your children in the Word and discipline them by the Word!  It truly is the best way we have found to train Christian children!

This week has been a light week for school...we have done many Thanksgiving projects, baked food for our meal on Thursday, and read many books!  BUT...we have also memorized Psalm 100 -- a perfect Psalm of praise to the Lord for this season and a great way to culminate our study on contentment for the month of November!

Enjoy seeing the girls recite it... make sure to watch til the end for their silliness!


  1. Love the dramatic ending! Super job - hiding His Word in your heart will stay with you all the days of your life! nanna loves you
