Friday, April 12, 2013

The Value of money.. literally!

Grace has been learning about money lately and value of each coin.  She thinks all are pretty cool – from pennies to quarters – she loves them all!  She does really well at counting coins, but to make it all become real and to show her the value of her money – literally – I set up a store for her to buy things from the toy room.  Each thing had a price and she could choose to buy 1 or 2 or 3 of each item.  Then she had to count out her money for each purchase.  She loved pulling out the coins and spending her money.  She used quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies for her purchases and did a great job giving me the exact change!

She loved that activity so much that later in the morning I set up a store for her to go shopping for snack.  She took her kids (Hannah and Josiah) shopping separately to purchase a snack for them.  They could pick any item they wanted (brownie, cookie, fruit snacks, lollipop or banana) and Grace had to pay for them.  Don’t worry… I gave her back all her money and didn’t keep it!  Then Grace got to buy something for herself as well!  That was her favorite part!

Grace and Hannah had fun seeing the prices and deciding what to pick! I love the purse on her shoulder!



I KNEW he would pick the Superman fruit snacks!




A cookie… the one with the most chocolate chips!  She was just trying to get the most for her money!  That’s my girl!  I am surprised that she didn’t try to use coupons… then she would TRULY be my girl!  :)


These pictures were from yesterday but since then we have set up a few more stores.  I even made her go to the “bank” (her savings jar) to get money to buy some more expensive items in the store.  She loved this EVEN MORE and had to set up a store for daddy this afternoon.  She even made his golf clubs $100!  He had to go to the “bank” (mommy) to get money to buy them!  Are we teaching Dave Ramsey’s principles or what?!  They can only purchase IN CASH for what they HAVE already – NO CREDIT IN THIS HOUSE!! 

Learning can be SO MUCH FUN!!

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