Thursday, January 31, 2013

One on one

One of my goals this year is to schedule more one on one time with my kids!  They each need special time with me and I NEED time with them as well!  As Caleb is getting older he is able to spend time in the toy room with the older kids so it frees me for time with the others.  Caleb gets his time with me as we snuggle, as a nurse him, as I give him a bath and feed him.  Grace gets her time with me when the others are napping.  We read together, play games, snuggle on the couch, and do schoolwork.

BUT… it is harder and hard for me to make special time with Hannah and Josiah. I am working on it, though, and I have a plan that will include special one on one times with each of those two throughout the week.  Here is just one of the special things I did this week.

On Tuesday, Josiah and I had a BLAST as we made No Bake Cookies together.  He loved the idea of helping me make cookies and he was SUPER excited to eat them after dinner.  He was a great help as he dumped the ingredients in the pot and stirred, and as you can tell he was really concentrating on his task… he is a task person!  Thanks, Little Buddy!  I loved spending that special time with you.  Mommy loves you!




There is SO SHARING the utensils when you work with just mommy!  He got to lick it CLEAN and he didn’t miss ANY spots!  That’s our boy!


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