Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jesus is the REAL Super Hero

The Beaverdale Parade is always a highlight in our church calendar.  The community gathers at our church, prepares their floats, and leaves from our parking lot.  This year’s theme was a Super Hero theme and Danny was asked to dress as one of the characters and OF COURSE he picked Super Man!  Earlier in the week he mentioned that he really wanted us to walk with the float and hand out candy and fliers, so on Saturday morning I gathered the kids, homemade capes for all four of them, the stroller, snacks, drinks, the Snuggli for Caleb, a blanket, sweatshirts, sun screen, AND THE KITCHEN SINK (HA!) and headed to church to join the group!  



I didn’t have a costume, but everyone knows that a mom with four children HAS to be a super hero.. right?  :)


The Super Heroes… what a great looking bunch!DSC_0708

One of the other families had a few extra costumes…. Parker (a friend from Life Group) got to dress like Super Man and get his picture with my boys!  He LOVED it! Lookin good, Parker!


Apparently even Super heroes get tired!          I love this one of Jennifer!


Cool shot of Megan and Grace!DSC_0737

This little guy was so sweet… he was “helping” his grandparents drive our truck!DSC_0738


Flying Danny… Nice!


DSC_0753DSC_0755DSC_0758DSC_0759Our senior pastor, Mike, led the way holding the sign!


Our fearless youth pastor and friend, Howie


Halfway through, they invited our kids to ride ON THE FLOAT!!  They LOVED IT!!


This sign was the best… it was a hoop with a bucket at the bottom. I don’t know how much candy they got, but it was a great idea!



Some people said Josiah was the highlight of the parade… or at least our float.  He had so much fun waving to the crowds of people.  He was ADORABLE!   


Looks like the Lightner Gang will do this again next year…

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