Friday, August 31, 2012

Big Boy Haircut

I have been cutting Danny’s hair since we were first married and have saved us a LOT of money.  I still get a little nervous about it, but he likes the outcome and I like the savings!  We know the technique that works best and he tells me what looks good and what doesn’t.  We are a pretty good team!

I have been wanting to cut Siah’s hair too, but it has had me even more nervous!  I have seen those kids in the salon who cry and cry and then SCREAM AND SCREAM!  I had visions of starting to cut Siah’s hair, getting half way through and not being able to finish without duct taping him to the chair! So… I set up a plan:  We would cut Danny’s hair first with Josiah watching and then ask him to sit on his daddy’s lap while I cut his hair.  It seemed good, but I didn’t know what to expect! I was ready for a battle!





As I turned on the clippers, Josiah started to cry (just a little) while I waited for a full blown scream.  It never happened.  His little whimper turned into a concerned but calm boy!  I was SO relieved!  He sat pretty sit as I used the clippers on the sides and then at the top of his hair.  He allowed me to turn his head and get the clippers at every angle I had needed.

As we were finishing up, I had to use scissors to cut around his ears, but he was pretty pleased with his lollipop so he didn’t fuss at all! 


Daddy and Josiah with their new haircuts… and hair ALL OVER THEM!



And here is the final product… with a little mousse in it… it is ADORABLE!!!  He looks totally grown up, but he is almost two, right?



PS… Yes, that IS a scrape on his forehead!  He fell last night and I heard his head slam on the cement.  Surprisingly, he didn’t cry that much…. he cries more when I drop him off at nursery EVERY WEEK than he did with this injury!!  What a kid!

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