Friday, August 31, 2012

Big Boy Haircut

I have been cutting Danny’s hair since we were first married and have saved us a LOT of money.  I still get a little nervous about it, but he likes the outcome and I like the savings!  We know the technique that works best and he tells me what looks good and what doesn’t.  We are a pretty good team!

I have been wanting to cut Siah’s hair too, but it has had me even more nervous!  I have seen those kids in the salon who cry and cry and then SCREAM AND SCREAM!  I had visions of starting to cut Siah’s hair, getting half way through and not being able to finish without duct taping him to the chair! So… I set up a plan:  We would cut Danny’s hair first with Josiah watching and then ask him to sit on his daddy’s lap while I cut his hair.  It seemed good, but I didn’t know what to expect! I was ready for a battle!





As I turned on the clippers, Josiah started to cry (just a little) while I waited for a full blown scream.  It never happened.  His little whimper turned into a concerned but calm boy!  I was SO relieved!  He sat pretty sit as I used the clippers on the sides and then at the top of his hair.  He allowed me to turn his head and get the clippers at every angle I had needed.

As we were finishing up, I had to use scissors to cut around his ears, but he was pretty pleased with his lollipop so he didn’t fuss at all! 


Daddy and Josiah with their new haircuts… and hair ALL OVER THEM!



And here is the final product… with a little mousse in it… it is ADORABLE!!!  He looks totally grown up, but he is almost two, right?



PS… Yes, that IS a scrape on his forehead!  He fell last night and I heard his head slam on the cement.  Surprisingly, he didn’t cry that much…. he cries more when I drop him off at nursery EVERY WEEK than he did with this injury!!  What a kid!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Typical Iowa

When we were at Family Camp, we had an amazing sunset one evening.  This is a typical scene in Iowa – a large corn field with a barn in the distance.  There aren’t too many trees or large hills… it is  just flat.  We are learning to appreciate God’s beauty even though it is different from what we are used to…. we came from the mountains and now live in the prairies! 


What is he wearing?

I used to think that my kids would always be dressed in the cutest clothes possible with their hair neatly combed!  YEAH RIGHT!  There are days I am glad that they have clothes on, much less ones that match.  Hannah is known for having a crazy looking outfit, but I really don't care unless we are going out on some errands.  She is learning how to match, but she really doesn't care!  :)  Some days she will put on a long sleeved shirt in the summer or a turtle neck... oh, Hannah!

Now Josiah... oh, Josiah!  He LOVES wearing shoes.  He tries on every one's shoes and wears them all over  the house.  He leaves them in various places -- like the bathroom -- and we have to collect them if there is a certain shoe that we would like to wear.  If you can't find a high heel, flip flop, or slipper you can be sure that Josiah had something to do with it!  You have been warned... if you enter this house, he WILL try on your shoes!!  :)

His favorites right now are a pair of Hannah's pink snow least they are light pink and not a florescent!  He would wear them all day long if I let him.  He wants them as soon as he gets up and I have to pry them off of him when I change his diaper!  Why would he love hot snow boots in 90* weather?  His feet are all sweaty and stinky, but he loves them!  What a crazy kiddo!

When I was getting the girls' videos yesterday, he wanted one too.  He didn't have a verse to share with you, but I did get a video of him in those boots... HYSTERICAL!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Our Little Evangelist

Last Sunday we registered the girls for AWANA.  Grace will be in Sparks and Hannah will be in Cubbies.  They are both super excited.... it can't start soon enough for them.  On the way home from church Grace read through her book and studied each picture.  She is IN LOVE with her book! :) 

From that point on, she has been listening to the CD, reading the book and memorizing its verses.  She asks for the CD all the time and recites it over and over.  She has memorized the first few verses -- especially John 3:16 and we made motions to go with this one.  Well, yesterday on our way to go out for dinner, Hannah recited John 3:16 all by herself!!  I asked Grace if she had been teaching it to Hannah, but se hadn't.  Hannah just picked it up from her sister and the CD!  How amazing! 

When we arrived at the restuarant, our favorite hostess was there.  Grace asked her if she would like to hear her Sparks verse.  Before the lady could respond, Grace was halfway done the verse!  She is our little evangelist!  We have talked to this lady many times, but it was great to have our 5 AND A HALF year old share Scripture!  We pray that she comes to know the Lord through our testimony, verses, and friendship.

Here are the girls reciting their verses:


Very Impressive

Caleb has been rolling over lately... very impressive for a three month old.  I tried to get it on video, but instead, I got him holding his head up.  He does that VERY well. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

“Trying” to get a good picture of the kids…



PS  Caleb was NOT injured in the taking of this picture.  He was inside asleep in the safety of his crib!

Parents Rap

Ok… this is hilarious, so I just had to show it!  Click the link and be prepared to smile!


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bubble Blast

I have found many, many ideas on Pinterest.  I have pinned them to my board to try at a later date, but I think that most of them will just be pinned there FOREVER!  Oh, well!  They are still good ideas.  I have a section on my board with ideas that I can pull out and try when I am in need of something to do with the kids… things that don’t take a lot of time to pull together and have ingredients that I usually carry around the house. 

Yesterday was one of those times.  I just needed to do something WITH the kids.  Something that wasn’t too complicated or messy but really fun. Something that each of them could do.  I remembered my Pinterest page and a crazy idea with bubbles….water bottles, socks, rubber bands, dish soap, water, a bowl, and scissors!  It seemed easy enough so we gave it a try and it was SO MUCH FUN!








Chores Time!

Chores start right after Danny leaves each morning.  His departure is our signal to start the day.  The girls each have to get dressed, brush their teeth, make their bed, fill their water cup and empty their section of the dishwasher.  They enjoy having a routine and so do I.   They are such good helpers!  They have other chores during the day, but these are their morning ones. Here they are getting the dishwasher emptied.



Even Josiah tries to help the girls… some times they don’t want his “help”!


Hannah asked me to take a picture of her with her head back…

I don’t know why, but here it is! What a nut!


Friday, August 17, 2012

3 months and counting…

Caleb turns three months tomorrow and we were able to get some pretty cute pictures of him this week.  He has found his hands and enjoys sucking on them. He is a VERY droolie baby… he is wet all the time with bubbles on his lips.  It is a really cute look! 

He is generally a very happy and content baby, but he will let you know if he is hungry or is tired.  Otherwise, he is quiet.  He has been sleeping through the night since he was eight weeks old and now he sleeps from 10-7 on a consistent basis (I feel like a whole new woman!!!!)  We are very thankful for him and our whole family spoils him with kisses and hugs.  Josiah loves him, too, but his affection can be a little painful at times for a 3 month old baby!













Mommy:  “Caleb, how many games will the Cowboys win this year?”

This is his response….


Wicked Storm

I have said it before, but I will say it again: I have NEVER seen storms like the storms in the Midwest.  Yes, I have seen huge snowstorms in New England and even a hurricane or two, but the thunderstorms here are incredible.  The sky looks like something you would see on Storm Chasers, and the Hand of God and His power is clearly demonstrated. 

On our way to Family Camp last week, we were in perfect view of this wicked storm, but we weren’t in it.  We actually only experienced wind from it while Des Moines was flooded with the sudden rain.  The wind and rain did a lot of damage, actually.  As we drove, we couldn’t get enough of the sky… it was just an awesome sight to see.  The pictures hardly show the stark contrast of colors or the mood they created as we wondered if we would get caught in it.  It certainly was WICKED!

Check out these pictures (taking from our van on the highway!).

“The Heavens declare the glory of God.”












