Saturday, November 26, 2011

Helping Daddy and actually HELPING

Josiah has been getting into one of our cabinets that has cereal and crackers in it.  He knows how to open it and helps himself to Lucky Charms, Cherrios or Animal Crackers!  I will often catch him red-handed with his sweaty palms deep into a box of Cherrios with a HUGE grin on his face!  What a kid!

SO… I have been begging Danny to put locks on those cabinets, and he finally got around to it.  Josiah helped him… I don’t think he knew that he was locking up the very cabinets that he LOVED opening, but he was helpful.  He held Danny’s drill and watched intently.  He gave Danny the tools he need when he needed them and he didn’t even eat any parts!



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