We are members to the Science Center of Iowa and the Blank Park Zoo. That gives us many place around the country that we can get in to at a discounted rate. One of the places that we can get in to for FREE was the Imaginarium in Fort Meyers! YAHOO! We had been there 2 years ago when Grace was 2 and Hannah was just a few months old. We knew that both girls would LOVE all of the things to play with… we were right! It was a fun morning!
Fun with Nanna while the rest of us were getting ready…
At the science museum… not a great picture of the family, though!
Touching the sting rays and the starfish in the tanks….
Pretend play in the toddler town… they loved the food and shopping carts. Did they use their coupons?
Josiah loved playing in the baby pit with squishy toys…
We were shocked that Hannah didn’t want to touch the animals – not the alligator, frog, spider, or anything! Even Nanna was brave!!
wow! so cool! we are members of the zoo too...so worth it!