Josiah LOVES reaching for our food and constantly wants bites – of everything! So, I picked up some of those teething cookies this week. HE LOVES them! He sucks, chews, and gnaws on them until they are a completely mushy mess! They keep him busy and quiet for a lllloooonnnggg time! I love them too!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Last Day with Kelsey
We had a great time with Kelsey….. we ended it by going to the park and coloring! These are two of my kids FAVORITE activities! They could swing and swing and swing ALL DAY, so it was nice to have someone else to help push them! Grace is LEARNING how to pump herself, but she hasn’t got the hang of it yet.
Who is the one teaching?
Oh… by the way, I LOVE how the Lord surprised me with a special gift today! I have wanted swings for my kids at home, but all we have is one on a tree in the front yard for Siah. But today our neighbor asked if we would like to HAVE (for FREE) his play set!!!!!! His kids have out grown it and they just want to get rid of it!! PRAISE GOD!!! He and Danny are going to move it to our yard on Thursday… they will move a section of fence and slide it here!! I CAN’T WAIT!!!! I will post pictures when we get it!!! THANK YOU, LORD!!!!
At the science center
I had to be the Natzi mom when we were at the science center last week with Kelsey! I hate to be “THAT” mother, but the little kids area was overrun with junior high kids and upper elementary kids. They were running around and knocking over my kids and playing with the exhibits in ways that they were not intended. I asked several of them to leave, but they kept coming and coming! FRUSTRATING! So… I went to the front desk and let them deal with it. I was so relieved that they did handle it instead of ignoring a complaining mom! THANK YOU! These big kids had the rest of the center to explore while this was basically the only area made for my kids! I will be glad when field trip season is over so the zoo and science center are not packed with unruly school kids!
We managed to have a GREAT time once we got the bullies out of there! There was plenty of room to move, explore and have fun!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Room Makeover
While Danny was in Chicago, Kelsey, the girls and I redecorated the girls’ room! We painted the walls a pale yellow and decorated with a Ladybug theme. It was a lot of fun and Danny was surprised. His favorite part? Having one less room to paint!
We love how the walls are no longer black and dirty, but everything looks new and shiny! It is great to have their room put together… it makes it feel more homey!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Josiah's Buddy
Here is the Big Boy with his buddy, Luke:
Friday, May 20, 2011
Haul at Walgreens
Here is what I got today at Walgreens:
Bath man!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
You can tell a lot about a person by reading their blog… their likes and dislikes…their hobbies… the things that they value. Well, I have come to realize that many people look at this blog with the GORGEOUS pictures of my kiddos and think that I have it all together, but BOY ARE THEY FOOLED!! I AM NOT SUPERMOM! There. I said it! I am NOT Supermom! It is so freeing to say it out loud! I say it to myself all the time and I am ok with that! I am not perfect…. my house is messy… my children defiantly disobey me in public… we have days that we spend in our PJs… I don’t take a shower everyday…. I have ten+ pregnancy pounds that I would like to lose…. I don’t make all of my own baby food… I can get upset with my husband…. I have yelled at my kids…. my house really needs to be dusted… I get to the end of the day and realize that I haven’t read my Bible…. my son has days that he just cries and cries even though I have tried every tactic I know… I do have a pair of MOM jeans (I wear them to paint in!!!)… there are days that I just want to lock myself in the closet and hide…. I struggle with sin… I buy things without coupons… I have dirty dishes in the sink… oh, the list could go on and on.
BUT… I am thankful that I KNOW who I am in Christ: I am a new creation…. I am a daughter of the King…. I am loved with an everlasting Love… I was knit together by my Creator… I am beautiful in His eyes…. through Jesus I am justified… I am chosen… I am part of His family… I can do all things with His strength… I can never be separated from His Love… oh, the list could go on and on!
So.. as you read these posts, I hope you see a family who loves Jesus and has been changed because of Him. Our edges are REALLY rough, but He is still working on us! We aren’t perfect, but that is ok… He is changing us little by little…
Friday, May 13, 2011
Boys are different than girls!
Well, I am starting to see some of those things! One of them.... My girls were chatter boxes right from the start. They experimented with sounds from little on up, but Josiah is very different: he makes noises and cries. There is little talking with this little man. He tries Ma Ma and Da Da, but that is it..... My girls practically were talking at 7 months! He is cute, none-the-less and we will keep him.
His newest noise is blowing bubbles. HE LOVES IT -- especially when I am feeding him peas or green beans or any other MESSY food! It is really funny and the more his sisters laugh, the more he does it!
So... here he is: