We LOVE our playroom... it is so great to have a dedicated space for toys! Sure, they (the TOYS and not the kids!) end up coming out of that room from time to time, but we can literally THROW them back in there to clean up on a later date. Danny loves that we can close that door and we don't have to look at that mess! YIPPEE!
Grace still loves reading and is discovering more and more things that she likes to do with her growing imagination. I never know who she is going to be -- Curious George, Sister Bear, Wonder Red, etc.
Hannah really enjoys playing with things that she can put together in many ways -- like a magnetic car set, Mr. Potato Head, and a magnetic doll set (called Kelsey and Abbey). Hannah is also really improving her puzzle skills.
Josiah is really starting to have fun playing... he mostly enjoys chewing on the toys, but that is ok. He is just so cute sitting in the toy room playing next to the girls. He looks like a little man!
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