This Easter season our church encouraged the congregation to get out and share the love of Jesus with our neighbors through an Easter Egg Hunt. So the Lightners decided to take the challenge. We teamed up with our Life Group who helped provide candy and eggs and we passed out invitations and put a sign in our yard. Since we are the newest additions to the neighborhood, many were excited to meet us. It was easy to tell them where we lived; we just had to say that we had the abandoned house on the corner. They knew what we meant – the house that had grass up to their waist last summer!
As the days got closer for the hunt, we were very disappointed that the weather was going to be rainy and cold, but we were praying that God would do a miracle. AND HE DID! The morning of the hunt we had all of the goodie bags ready and the eggs were stuffed, but we didn’t put the out because it was rainy and cold – 39 degrees! We didn’t really expect people to come, but we were ready in case they did. Bart and his kids (from our Life Group) came… so we knew that we would have SOMEBODY there. The Hunt would happen! So.. Bart and Danny hid the eggs and I stayed in with the kiddos. Well, from that point on the doorbell kept ringing and ringing. “Are you still having the Egg Hunt?” “YUP!” These Iowans are tougher than you would think!
Kids came from all over the neighborhood…eighteen kids total!!!!!!!!!! Many of the moms came too! They decorated bags to put their eggs in, and then the hunt began outside. It was FREEZING…BUT SO MUCH FUN!!
When they were finished, they came inside to warm up and see the candy that they got. We gave each of the kids a goodie bag with candy, Rice Krispie Treats, a wordless bracelet with a paper describing what the colors meant, and an invitation to our church!
Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves… I think we have started a tradition that we will have to keep alive for many years to come! We have since seen a few of the neighbors and it is great to know who they are by name! We are praying that this street comes to know the Lord!