Monday, March 14, 2011

Saving money

I LOVE saving money… can I say that again… I LOVE saving money!  I guess it is now more than a hobby…it has become a way of life!  I love getting to the cash register and seeing the total and thinking, “Boy, that is really going to go down after I give her these!”   Here is why I like it so much:

1.       I feel like I am doing my part to provide for this family.  I don’t have a job outside of our home, so I make couponing a job.  I have already saved over $165 THIS YEAR – yes, I keep track of all of the coupons that I use.  That is quite a lot when you consider that is just the value of the coupons – that doesn’t include the sales that I shop.   That is over $50 per month!  Yippee!  I am contributing! 

2.       I love getting something for nothing or very little. I love looking for the deals and then going to the store knowing that I will get something for little or for nothing at all. I have my list in hand and I hurry right to the spot in the store that I know has the great deal, and I get totally bummed if the deal isn't what I had hoped or I get totally excited that it is great!   This week there is a B1G1 sale on Danny’s deodorant.  I can hardly wait to go to the store because I have 2 coupons to go with that sale which are also B1G1… so after giving them the coupons I will get a lot of deodorant for little!  Today when I was at Fareway, I knew that I had to get cake mixes for the 15 dozen cupcakes that I have to make.  I didn’t have any coupons for them, but I found coupons at the store!  YEAH!  It was a coupon for “Buy 8 Betty Crocker items get $4 off”.  It sounded good to me… 50 cents off… I will take it!  That meant that each box was about 70 cents each… good deal!

3.       I feel like a Proverbs 31 woman.  I love the picture that you get when you read Proverbs 31 – a woman who is well-prepared, hard working, strong, family-oriented, a planner, etc.  I feel like I am a real woman when I coupon because I know that I am working hard for our family and planning ahead.  We are stretching our money and still living well.

4.       I love teaching the girls about money in the process.  I am teaching them that we buy things with money (and not a plastic card) and coupons help us save some money.   Grace got money from Nanna for her birthday -- $4!  She was THRILLED!  She looked at me and said, “Now, mommy, all I need is some coupons!”   :)  She also loves to play store and tells me what things cost.  “Mommy, that was $5 and 12 coupons!”  That’s my girl! 

Over all, I love to save money... it has been a great hobby that has helped our family reach some financial goals and stay out of debt.  Later in the week I will share some of my favorite tips on saving money.... I bet you are on the edge of your seat!  HA! 

1 comment:

  1. And you are being a great steward of what God has entrusted you with! Being faithful with a little - He can turn into much! Great job Sar!
