Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mother's Day

So I don't know about you, but I ALWAYS have a hard time figuring out what to do for my mom for Mother's Day! I know that it doesn't have to be a lot, but how do you tell your mom what she means to you? How do you thank her for all of the work, effort, money, time, prayer, energy, etc. that she has poured into your life for the passed 31 years? Every little thing seems...well, stupid.

I think this revelation has become more and more clear as I have become a mom. Wow! What a tough job! How did mom do it... on a budget... while working... with teenagers... with homework.... with our arguing... with practices.... with church activities.... with the stresses of friends and family..... Did she ever really take time for herself? Did we even give her Mother's Day off?

Well, I guess the conclusion to this is that I have a great mom who is worthy of so much more than I can give her! I wish I could send her and dad on a cruise or give her plane tickets to Iowa for every month this year, but my small envelope that I am sending today will just have to be enough! The right gift will never be found, but showing her on a regular basis that I admire her will do. She knows that I love and appreciate her.... you do, mom, right?

I love you, mom! Happy Mothers Day!


  1. Ok - that was a tear-jerker!!! Love it though. Right back at you with the love & admiration dear daughter. I love the legacy you have started! Hugs!

  2. Great picture!!! Well said....
