Well, today is the official moving day! We have been packing and packing for months, but the truck finally arrived this morning (at 7:15!!!). They started loading around 8:00 so the girls and I headed out around then. I was a little teary as I did my final packing and saying good bye. Things are definitely going to be different in the next few weeks... we are going to miss all of the many memories that were made in this home, but we have pictures and pictures to help jog the memories.

For example.... This was the first Christmas in this "new" house! A LLLOOONNGGG time ago.... before kids!!
Here is when we brought home Grace from the hospital...

Here is taking Hannah home from the hospital...

Those are just a few... wish I had more space to put more pictures. I will try to post more when I can...if I can see between the tears! :(
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