I don’t have the pictures from the Lightner Christmas PA loaded onto our computer yet; I just got the CD of the pictures from Vicki this weekend. I will be loading them soon and then blogging about them, but I need to get some of these posts written for the scores of you who are just waiting by your computer and refreshing this blog every hour! HA!
On the Friday before Christmas we went to see our great friends Brett and Jamie and their son Judah. They are the type of friends that you see only once a year, but you pick up right where you left. We talked about family, ministry, friendships, our relationships with the Lord and more. It was great to see them. They also had my buddy Rachel and Tim, too! We are so happy for them and their relationship. They are really growing and we can’t wait to see what the Lord has for them! What a story of the Lord’s faithfulness!

The day after Christmas we loaded in the van really early – 6:30am – to drive to VA for the Chase Christmas. On the way we had plans to stop at Cracker Barrel to visit with Brad and Karen and their kids! I was so excited that I could hardly sleep and I was all jittery when I knew that we were getting close! We had an amazing time from the first hugs and tears to the goodbye hugs and tears. It was so special seeing them again and getting connected to friends that we truly care about like family. We had never met Jadon and they had never met Josiah so that was a special time. Our girls and Sadie chatted, sang, acted, and just had some great girl time…. it was like they had been friends forever. I think that they sensed the deep friendship of their moms and dad and just knew that each other were special! Danny and I felt even more blessed that they agreed to come because it was Sadie’s birthday and they planned their day around seeing us!! I am glad that we will not have to wait another 20 months to see them!! We will see them in September!

After we left the Illians – with hardly a dry eye – we still had about 3 hours to go to my aunt’s in Virginia! We didn’t have to stop for lunch or gas, and we knew the kids were tired from being up early. I was hoping for GREAT naps by the time we reached the mountains – AND THEY DID!
When we arrived we were greeted with lots of hugs and kisses. The kids dove into playing with the kids and loved being out of the car. Hannah was most looking forward to playing with Bella – my 2 year old cousin.
Here are some of the adventures while in VA…
Coloring on the HUGE cardboard castle and space shuttle that Grampa and Nanna bought for the kids:

Meeting Mr. Justin Waples… in person!

Seeing all of the kids play with each other and the grandparents and great-grandparents lovin’ on them!

Seeing my brothers and their families… my girls LOVED their Uncle Adam!!!

We even played a lot outside. Going for this walk in the woods was FUN!

Bowling…. the cheers throughout the alley made it obvious where the Chases were!

The Chase Gang… minus KK! We had a great time…