The Lightner's Christmas was very different than in the years past. We were the ones that travelled and we travelled A LOT! We didn't have ANY ONE stay at our house!!!! NOT EVEN A SINGLE CHASE! We drove to PA on Monday night and spent time with Danny's family and friends from LBC until Saturday.
Grace LOVES spending time with Aunty Amy. She was all excited to recite Bible verses to her, sing her songs, color with her and read TONS of books. Kenny and Amy are both VERY energetic when it comes to reading, so an ordinary book comes alive when they are reading. Did you know that Uncle Kenny is now "Uncle Taties"? You will have to ask Grace about that!

Hannah was a happy traveler. She loved exploring new things. It was hard to keep her away from the Christmas tree and decorations, but we tried.. for the first few days. (Yes, that is an ornament in her hand!) On Christmas morning she was THRILLED with all of the wrapping paper!

Here I am with two of my favorite gifts: Grace and Hannah (Danny was taking the picture with our NEW camera!!!!)!

On Saturday morning we headed to VA to see the Gordons, Vigues and Chases. It was so great to be there. I had never been to the Gordon Estate... it is beautiful and is the perfect place for all of the family gatherings. There is much more space for everyone than at the Lightner house!

We enjoyed a lot of good food... none of which had cabbage in it, but a lot had chocolate! Grace once again was charmed by her Grampa... he read and read to her. She asked a lot of questions and just liked snuggling with him! HOW CUTE!

It was great to see my girls with their grandparents, great grandparents, my cousins and the rest of the gang. Hannah and Bella were so much fun to compare. They are just about the same size.... I hope they will be great friends.
Thanks again everyone for hosting us over Christmas. We had a great time.... there are too many details to try and tell even some of them! We were sad to leave, but were glad to be home when we finally got there!